25. October 2015
Here it goes...
I finally got around to start my own blog. There is no better to say it than that (and in that quote I give a nod to Jason, a fellow blogger in HK). I've been thinking about starting a blog, and although I have put it off for years it kept nagging at me. Even saying "Good idea, I might come around to doing a blog at some point" ( an otherwise excellent 'postponing technique') did not make it go away, and I'm left at a place where I simply have to start. So here it goes. There's no aim for perfection, there's no room for academic language (makes me gag), and there's no other road than to get messy and involved in everything that strikes my fancy and interest me. I write for my desk drawer and an audience of one. Come to think of it, that may likely be the only way to write for many.
This blog may transform and morph during time. Everything does. Well, not everything, but everything "alive" does. But the idea is to start with financial analysis from two angles: 1. A tool based angle where I discuss my favorite combination of indicators and new revelations. Here I get to be nerdy. The second angle: 2. A commentary on various stock indicies, commodities and macro economic developments as seen from the perspective of the tools. I don't expect an equal blend of these two, but look forward to see the shift between yin and yang in them.
I'll try to make each section short. I'm lying, I know, but I'm just starting out here, so cut me some slack. But I vouch to ramble and get off track once in a while, and then veer back on track again. Also I want to include photos in every section. This is a personal thing for me. As much as I like personal writing, I can't stand if it is too long or boring, or if it is without interesting photos or graphs. My eye is visual like you won't believe, and I crave stimulus to keep me interested. So it seems you can expect "short ramblings with photoes". See, already here I'm a surprise to myself. Something I didn't really realize until now. So welcome to my experiment.