26. March 2017
The Z dimension
The third dimension in Facet Analysis
This is the secret Z dimension. I withheld that dimension from you in my last blog (Facet Analysis on 4. March 2017). I only described the X axis and the Y axis, but today we will finalize it with the mysterious Z axis.
In the Z axis I'm being even more tough on you. You probably thought that I was already being pretty demanding on you, because I wanted you to do three types of analysis (fundamental, technical and macroeconomic analysis). Am I right? Yes, that is pretty tough, but now I'll turn it up a notch more and add pressure by saying that the Z dimensions have 3 layers you need to do!
The 3 layers form a continuum but it is better to show this in a video, so click and watch - if you are up for more work :-)